Sunday Service: 10:30AM - Online
Lunch with CS Lewis
St. Alban's Chapel offers a free lunch for undergraduate and graduate students every Wednesday (11:30 - 12:20). Following a fantastic catered lunch served by members of the St. Alban's congregation, Fr. Drew Rollins (chaplain) presents a short teaching on 'mere Christianity', a term coined by C.S. Lewis to describe those beliefs which Christians through the ages have held in common. Students always participate in a lively back and forth with Fr. Drew.
This ministry is funded through the generous donations of churches and individuals within and around our diocese.
Recovery Ministries
Within its mission to the university community, St. Alban’s has embraced the recovery ministry and provided education, guidance, and support for families and students struggling with, or wishing to learn more about, addiction. St. Alban’s is now home to six AA meetings each week in addition to celebrating an annual Recovery Sunday during Eastertide. St. Alban’s welcoming attitude has brought a number of people in recovery to our congregation and to our leadership.
Children & Teens
Children: The nursery is always jumpin’ with our adorable and rambunctious toddlers and preschoolers — we’re excited to have more of our high school students involved in helping with the nursery care this year!
Teens: St. Alban's Chapel has a growing youth population, and we have been working on creating a community just for them. Open to youth in grades 6-12, St. Alban's youth ministry hosts bi-monthly events to bring youth closer to each other and Christ, which includes sports, art, obstacle courses, laser tag, and even served our community on a mission trip.
Hospitality is all about being, well, hospitable! Here at St. Alban's we take this servant ministry as the deep South does... very seriously! From Sunday Coffee Hour to Christmas Tea, and all special events that occur we are year-round ready! Is God calling you to be like Martha and serve? Consider joining our happy group.
Mockingbird is a ministry that seeks to connect the Christian faith with the realities of everyday life in fresh and down-to-earth ways. We do this primarily, but not exclusively, via publications, conferences, and online resources.
Music Ministries
Come let us sing to the Lord;
let us shout for joy to the Rock of our salvation (Psalm 95:1).
The Music Ministry at St. Alban's is wide and verified: ranging from the Student & Parishioner Sunday Choir to Shape Notes, Contra Dance, a Ukulele Orchestra, and more!
Pastoral Care
Please inform the clergy if you are sick or have to go to the hospital. Fr. Drew is available for hospital visitation. You can reach Fr. Drew on his cell phone at 225.933.0241.
The Pastoral Team also offers prepared meals when needed. Please let us know how we can help. Call Laurie in the Chapel office.
Holy Threads
Interested in making a prayer shawl? Do you knit or crochet? Would you like to learn? We have a collection of patterns and needles. Come as you are, and join us for fun, creativity and fellowship! Meetings are held at St. Alban's on the 1st Sunday of the month from 3-5 p.m.
Please contact Liz Pope at: 225-963-0802;, for more information.
Building & Grounds
The St. Alban's Chapel Buildings & Grounds Team is an elite cohort of highly skilled, deeply spiritual, and horticulturally called members of this church who approach lawn care with the tenacity and joyful abandon of German monks making beer in the monasteries of yore!
If you would like to join our happy krewe, please contact Keith Pope
Eucharistic Visitor
Teams of trained and commissioned lay persons bring the Holy Communion to those who cannot attend Sunday worship.
New guidelines have been written and plans are being made to for teams of two to serve together. Please let Fr. Drew know if you'd be interested in serving.
Sunday Night Dinners
The sharp edge of our ministry of hospitality to the students of LSU are these Sunday Night dinners that our congregation provides for everyone who attends the 6:00 recharge! evening service. This is a great opportunity to get to know and to serve some of our wonderful students!
Teams consist of 4 to 6 people who host dinner for a Sunday night. They decide on and fund the menu. Generally attendance at the Sunday Night Dinners is around 25 to 30 people, and the meal consists of a salad, entree, and dessert
Campus Interns Ministries
St. Alban's Chapel has supported a "Campus Ministry Interns" program that provides a team of carefully chosen students with a leadership experience in the church is designed to help equip them for future ministry. This team of students works with the chaplain to cultivate a joyful community of students at St. Alban's Chapel that will, in turn, attract other students.
Chapel Dialogues
The St. Alban’s Chapel Dialogues is a free social event for the congregation, interested LSU employees, and any others. The Dialogues meet every second Tuesday of the month at 6 pm in the Common Hall of the church. A speaker makes a presentation and invites questions and contributions from the audience. Wine, cheese, grapes, and crackers are served. It’s an opportunity to explore ideas with others or just have an enjoyable evening.